Monday, February 26, 2007

We're baaaack!

So now I have been at University of Washington for over 8 weeks now. Its been horribly long and I don't think I'll ever get the chance to return to normal life again. I have been institutionalized by the University, and it sucks. Anyways, here is a summary of my experience in the REAL WORLD LOLOLOLOZ:

-University of Washington has a shitload of money and is like one of the most respected schools in the nation.. why in the sam hell do I have to pay 10 cents for printing? No seriously, whats up with that? Clark didn't make me pay. And why do we have no wireless in the dorms? EXPLAIN PLZ.

-Clark College is NOTHING like UW when it comes to difficulty... seriously. Ok, Dr. Craven is insanely hard and you can't make Physics or Chemistry "easy" but for everything else its a joke to compare. People though Fulbright was alot of work? Fulbright gave me like 50-80 pages reading per week, I get 200+ a week from my Viet Nam Wars class and it isn't even upper level! And I know it isn't the only one that is like that. How crazy.

-I also discovered that the whole "100 people per class!" warning is a joke. Even in the classes with many people, it really isn't a big deal. My Professors are pretty accessible anyways. Not to mention, the upper level classes are pretty small. And trust me, nothing makes getting to class easier then having a cute TA instead of some 50 year old German guy.

-Korean and Greek food are the works of the gods. DO NO QUESTION ME!

-For some reason, I do better with girls when I don't even do anything. Seriously, every time I try to be brave and be impressive with girls I look like an idiot. But when I do nothing, they automatically get attached to me. WTF?! Maybe I should take this as a tip or something...

-LaRouche people are the most annoying people in the history of man. No hyperbole. Look them up, or come to the UW campus if you don't believe me. Its like a running gag here.

-Asian girls have the oddest fashion tastes I have ever seen. I mean, I like the fact you girls are wearing skirts and short shorts in winter but why the heck must you cover them up with leggings or super high boots? Whats the purpose of wearing a skirt then?! I am so confused.

-Moment I relized I was living the college life: Doing homework while listening to Teen Age Riot

-Second moment where I realized I was living the college life: Throwing up after drinking to much at a frat party.

-I have got a sudden obsession with Japanese music. And no it isn't that dancy JPop (IE Ayumi) or crappy Visual-Kei crap *gets killed for dissing visual-kei*. I'm talking about Judy and Mary, Bonnie Pink, and the Brilliant Green. HELL YEAH

-I am coming home on the 9th of March.. BOOK IT! Then I leave that Monday :(

-Finally, my new schedule for Spring squarter is:
Japanese Civilization
Modern Korean History (w00t! Korean nationalism here I come)
Asia in Globilization (I might change this to Political Economy though as soon as they let me register for it!)

Well... ja ne


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